It is imperative that enterprises transform, maintain and develop sustainable production and trading practices to ensure their capacity and readiness to export. In addition to quality and safe residue, the market also requires sustainable products to be environmentally friendly, conserve biodiversity, have social responsibility, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prevent deforestation, and so on.

Enterprises that wish to transform their production and business models in a sustainable manner to suit their needs and orientation will require the appropriate tools and support from professional experts. Professional experts with extensive expertise and practical experience will assist enterprises in carrying out the transformation effectively and efficiently with reasonable resources.

CRED is a consulting organisation with the necessary expertise, appropriate tools and professional experts to provide consulting services for sustainable production and business transformation that enterprises need.


To successfully select and convert a production and trade model in accordance with the requirements of the sustainable standard and obtain certification, enterprises must proceed through the following steps:

Assessment of the feasibility of a sustainable production and trade model

It is essential to gain an understanding of the context and resources of the business in order to make informed decisions on the selection of appropriate standards. This will enable the transformation of the production and trade model in a sustainable, effective and successful manner

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Planning for the implementation of a sustainable production and trade model

The objective is to define the work, implementation roadmap, completion time, resources and key personnel in order to facilitate a systematic and effective transformation of the sustainable production and trade model

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Building capacity to operate sustainable production and trade model

The personnel in the model have full basic knowledge, and meeting standard requirements will facilitate the systematic operation of the sustainable production and trade model, thereby ensuring high efficiency

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Establishment of an internal control system

The operational procedures for a sustainable production and trade model are structured in a systematic manner. The system of procedures aligns with the standards and context of the business, which is a key factor in the effective transformation of a sustainable production and trade model

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Formation of an internal control team and performance of internal assessments

The internal control team and internal assessment activities are designed to guarantee structure, quantity and quality. These will facilitate the sustainable production and trade model’s ability to operate and maintain stability, complying with standard requirements

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Selection of a certification organisation and Certification document preparation

Selecting a reputable, internationally recognised certification body will prove highly beneficial to enterprises seeking to transition to a sustainable production and trade model

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Audit and certification

A reputable certification body’s audit and certification provides the most objective and convincing evidence to all parties about the results of transforming an enterprise’s sustainable production and trade model

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Surveillance and maintenance of certification

Maintaining certification effectively and efficiently through periodic monitoring and assessment results provides objective evidence for claims and commitments when transforming sustainable production and trade models

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