The Regional Biotrade Project, led by Helvetas, CRED, and partners from September 2016 to August 2024 with support from the Swiss government through SECO, has made big progress in promoting sustainable trade that protects biodiversity in the Mekong region.  

  The project helped 78 businesses in Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia join global markets, bringing in over $160 million USD in export revenues.  

  It has also improved working conditions, created jobs, and raised incomes for men and women who rely on biodiversity resources through participating in sustainable agroforestry value chains, including tea, cinnamon, cashew, benzoin, and other Biotrade products.  

  Especially, the project also helped vulnerable communities adapt to climate change and protect the environment.  

  Businesses and communities now recognize the importance of following global sustainable production standards. They’re investing more and more in Biotrade products and services.  

  We are preparing for the Project’s closing activities. While more work is needed to boost Mekong biodiversity products in high-end markets, the future of Biotrade products looks bright. 

#helvetas #cred #seco #biotrade 

#biodiversity #sustainability #diversity #organic #localvariery #sustainablesourcing #tracebility