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Herbs are one of the most important to describe in detail Vietnamese cuisine. The combined texture, flavor, aroma and fragrance make these herbs special. If you are eating Vietnamese food, there will be elegant pieces of herbs in your dish. The overall health benefits, garden ornaments and beautiful displays of these herbs make them much more appealing to us outside the kitchen and beyond the dinner table. These are also the main ingredients of Vietnamese Wood Tea. Vietnamese herbal tea is very good for health.
Herbal teas, also known as herbal teas or more commonly herbal teas, are a type of preparation made from modulating or steeping herbs, spices or other plant materials in hot water. . In Vietnam, herbal tea is an extremely popular item. Because there are many herbs growing here, Vietnamese people often use them in cooking and drinks. These beautiful little herbs will be a unique highlight for your Vietnamese food.
Vietnam has a very good climate for growing herbs. Mint, Artichoke, Pub – All need sunshine and warmth Garden plots in Vietnam are always a dazzling display: ornamental herbs full of bright and contrasting colors.
Tea shop: People have been using guns to treat their health for thousands of years. Milk tea is neither sweet nor salty, has no herbal flavor like tea from grass leaves but does not have a bitter taste.
Artichoke Tea: Artichoke tea is made from the flowers, leaves and stems of the Artichoke plant. The tea flavor is mild, rich, earthy and sweet.
Lemongrass tea: This tea has a refreshing orange flavor. Lemongrass tea has a light and clear scent, making it a perfect evening drink, creating tranquility and harmony with thoughts.
Hibiscus Tea: Hibiscus is used in many different preparations, from cocktails to cooked drinks. This flower contains flavonoids and mineral salts. Therefore, this tea is beneficial in reducing colds and is suitable in all basic areas.
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