Vietnam Food Expo 2022 is the first international B2B fair that My Phuong Food participates in, and it is also the first time I have learned the lesson that if I want to export and open markets, I need to go to international B2B fairs like this ” – Ms. Mai Thi Y Nhi, CEO of My Phuong Food, a business that produces baked coconut cakes using natural coconut ingredients from the second largest coconut growing region in the country in Tam Quan (Binh Dinh) shared.Imgp3340 Photo of My Phuong’s CEO sharing at the fair Like many other businesses in Vietnam, going to a fair for My Phuong Food is just bringing goods to sell, the skills of going to a fair such as displaying goods, researching market trends, communicating and getting customer information or what to do after the fair ends to follow up with customers are all completely new knowledge. It was only when participating with Biotrade for the first time at Vietnam Food Expo 2022 in a professional booth that My Phuong Food realized the importance of skills and knowledge to prepare before, during and after the fair through a series of pre-fair training sessions and direct guidance at the fair. Not only that, at the Biotrade booth with the participation of many other businesses, My Phuong also learned from the experiences of businesses with many years of experience in participating in B2B fairs to gain more practical lessons for herself.

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My Phuong participated in training before Foodexpo 2022 and photos of participating in the fair with Biotrade

From being both CEO and market research, My Phuong now has a professional team to export and is present in more than 10 major markets in the world, including China, Korea, Japan, the US and EU countries. Thanks to the fair-going skills equipped when participating in Biotrade, My Phuong has grasped market trends to constantly improve its product lines, orienting production towards green trends and benefits for consumers’ health through the use of 100% natural ingredients, turning grilled coconut cake from a specialty of Da Nang into a popular product suitable for consumers in different markets, including markets that require high standards such as Japan, the US or the EU. Photos of coconut products[/] “ The first feeling is always remembered for a long time, and that was the beginning of My Phuong’s expansion into the world. Biotrade only supported businesses in a small corner but helped businesses make a big story

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